
Showing posts from June, 2010


i hate people lie to me, especially those who are close to me. and i found out that some one have lie to me, and i treat him as my best friend, but what i get??? nothing at all,just a friendship that full of lies. if you have promise me any thing please dun lie to me bout that, especially you are the one who i trust. tired of living in the world full of lies..


距离是近了,但是感觉变远了。。。 一起相处越久,就越了解对方的性格, 所以如果你了解我越深,你越想远离我, 请告诉我。 再加上我们也是是都几天会相处在一起, 所以请忍耐吧, 过了以后,就不会再烦你了。 祝你幸福快乐,如果有喜欢的人就放胆去吧。 我支持你!!!O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~


重视=喜欢吗?? 我重视你,你是我最重要的人 , 你的一切我想知道, 我的一切也想让你知道。 可是这不代表我喜欢你,跟别说爱你了 , 因为我们是不可能的。 我想和你分担你的困扰, 但是我的烦恼我不想让你知道, 所以请不要误会我!!!


Result is out!! ! my result had drop so much. from 3.83 drop to 3.65. i am so sad about it, i know what i have to, begin from next semester, must concentrate in study. arrange my time table properly, no more wasting time, if not,what will happen is i will drop out from first class student. i cannot let it happen.